Monday, October 31, 2005

Image of God

God made us as an image of himself because he loves us. He wants us to be unique and have souls. We have a reason to live than animals and plants. We are made in the image of God so we can be a part of God.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Image of God, Yay!

In my opinion, I think that to be created in the image of God means that even though we don't realize it, we are almost godlike in power in abilities. For example, free will. We can make any infinite number of decisions in just one given situation. We possess the power to end life, including our own, but we can also help create it. Like if you plant a tiny seed in the ground and water, and nurture it everyday, it could grow into a magnificent flower or tree. Likewise, if we wish to do so, we can destroy our own creation, for whatever reason we choose. We can build tremendous buildings and monuments so long as we have the will to do so, and we can help or hinder our fellow humans, for example; Mother Teresa aided countless sick and injured in the ghettos of Calcutta expecting nothing in return, yet Adolf Hitler massacred millions of Jews and prisoners of war in the NAZI concentration camps, while stealing gold and riches to build marvelous chateaus high in pristine mountaintops. Both these people, different as they may be, chose to do these things out of their own free will. So I believe that our decision making and free will, which allow us to create or destroy, and aid or impede others, make us in the image of God.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Imaginated Image

In my honest definetly bias opinion, I believe that when the bible says that men were created in the image of god it was meant to say that we look like him, now i think it is interpreted to mean that we are creatures of superior knowledge. That we were the creatures made with frontal lobes in our brain that account for our deeper thinking. And even more modernly that men werent made but were evolved. But evolved with the help of god. Plus there is still the chance that it was written by someone else (other then god) and was just an ego trip.

* What it means to be created in the image of God *

Stephanie Douglass
Mod 5 * grade 9
Mr. Raia - Theology

When asked what it means to be created in the image of God, you think of what he looked like, his personality, his flaws and his strengths. But who knows exactly what God looks like? God was a man right? Then how do women look like him?The answer is not as complex as you might think. We, as Gods people have the superior knowledge that he shared with us. No animal, bird, plant,or bug will ever have the knowledge we have, because we as humans are created in the image of god. Who's to say that bugs weren't created in the image of God? Maybe bugs know more about life on earth as we know, but have no way of communicating it to us. We also have to think about sins. If everyone were created in the image of God, would there be sin? Was God a sinner? No, we aren't exactly like him, but in his image of himself, would we be sinners ; with chances of killing his people and going to hell?Being created in the image of God is not looking like god, or smelling like him, but understanding him, and having his knowledge and qualities, yet shown differently.Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground." So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. - (Gen. 1:26-27 NIV)

The image of god

What does it mean when it says god made us in his own image? It means that god gave us the power to think and create. he also gave us the power to belive.

Created in God's Image

When the Bible says we were created in God's image, that means we all have the characteristics of human spirit and the ability to make moral judgments. God created us through his perceptions of man. He gave us a body, containing a soul and a spirit. God created us the way He wanted us to be on the inside and out. He molded the body shape and form that He thought was right, then put our physical features inside to make us function properly. Lastly, He gave us essential parts that cannon be seen on the inside or out: a soul and a spirit. Even though we are all humans, people with the same body form and functions, all of us are different. God did not created two people the same. We might all be humans, but we are all unique in a different way. God created us just how he wanted us to be and forever will.

created in god's image

To be created in God's image means that God wanted us to be like him. He wantsus to always do the right thing like him even though no one is perfect. God wants us to follow his example and be a good person. He is giving us expectations to live up to.

We're God's Work....

it means god made u like him, but without his powers. He gave u a mind that can process thoughts unlike animals. He also gave you a mind to choose between right and wrong. I think that God gave each of us features that he thought would resemble himself. This is what I think God meant when we said that he made us from his image.


On the sixth day God created man. He created man in image ofGod.To be made in the image of God means that God made you to act like him. To be nice, kind, generous, and undertanding, and always tinking of others. Not to be selfish or greedy. It means that God created man the way He thinks all people should act. And that way is to act like followers of God.

I don't think the plagues were fair to the Egyptians because only pharaoh and his court said that the Hebrews couldn't be freed. So instead of just having a smallish group of people suffer everyone had to suffer. Even those people who didn't really deserve it!

To be created in Gods' Image means.....?

To be created in Gods' own image is to be modeled after perfection. Although since no one really knows what God really looks like we can never be sure. But for God to create us in his own image gives us a standard to live up to. Where God is absolute perfection, humans are flawed, so we need that standard to live the lives that God wanted us too.


I think it means that God made him like he felt like her would be if he were to been seen like a human. The first person was made to be an example of how God wanted us to be. He wanted us all to resemble him in one way. Also for us all to be good people. This is what I think it means to be made in the image of God.


I think that the plagues were fair. The Pharaoh wouldn't let the Hebrews go. He did not believe in the power of God. God showed him not to doubt Him. God's first plagues were just to annoy the Pharaoh enough to let the Hebrews go. Pharaoh still didn't believe in the power of God. He then mad the plagues more serious. So, I do think that the Egyptians deserved the plagues. They were also good because he let the Hebrews go.

What does it mean to be created in the image of God?

To be created in the image of God means to be created as a perfect human as he would want us to be as he would want us to behave as he would want us to act as he would want us to speak etc. He created the first humans to his image according to the bible but near specified what he meant by his own image. Did he mean infallible like him? Did he mean almighty like him ? I don't know what he meant I can only try to figure out what he meant or whatever the person who wrote Genesis meant. Because I wasn't there and according to the Bible no one else was there except God and the first people but what I do know is that you must have faith even if its not faith in God it might be faith in yourself or faith in your neighbor. It might be a little hard to swallow all of this faith stuff but it can really help you sometimes, most of the time it wont help you to have faith if in the back of your mind you're thinking negatively and if you're thinking it won't happen for you.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Were the plagues fair to the Egyptians?

I think that the plagues weren't fair to the Egyptians. If it were up to them, they would've let the Hebrews go, but it was Pharaoh who angered God by keeping them enslaved. Because of him, the entire land of Egypt had to suffer the wrath of God, even though the Egyptian citizens had done nothing wrong. But, there is another side to the arguement. God probably didn't have any beef with the Egyptians, but he just wanted to prove that he was the most powerful force in the universe, so he sent a series of phenomenons that can't be explained. In any case, it worked, and the Hebrews made it out of slavery.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

The Plagues of Torture

These plagues are obviously not fair. Back in this time slavery was an extremely common. Thinking bad about them in particular would be unfair unless your willing to say everyone was just as bad. Plus slaves were treated as commodaties and were extemely valuable to a society, so if someone asked to let them go even under all the torments they'd keep them. Plus with the all the animals dieing off theyd have no food. With the hail some of thier homes might have been destroyed. Theyd need to clean Egypt entirely because of all the dead frogs. Many probably died off because of no water from the nile. Plus think off all the innocent first born kids who died of for no reason. To think that a god would kill of so man innocent people like that is insane. If this god wanted to free the slaves im sure there were many less inhumane ways of going about it. I dont want to belittle the torments the hebrews were meant to endure, but the thought of a god commiting such brutal vengince to a people who in many ways were about the same treating there slaves as in other cultures is just wrong.



Saturday, October 15, 2005

Where the plagues fair? yes and no

Priscilla Grout
Theology 1
I think that the plagues were both unfair and fair. I think that they were unfair because pharaoh was really the only one that was rejecting God and not letting his people go and their were a few other followers like the Egyptian slave leaders but their were also innocent or normal Egyptian citizens living their to which where cursed with the plagues. That's why I don't think that its all fair to the Egyptians maybe if God jus punished the people who were doing wrong not the others living their.
I think it was fair though because pharaoh just was being really stubborn and wouldn't get over himself and let the people go. He should've realized that the slaves were jus like him, normal people. If he had let them go he wouldn've had to face all these plagues. He didn't let them go and in result he suffered the consequences.

Priscilla Grout
Theology 1
I think that God chose Moses because first of all he is an everyday person just like you and me and it proves that God doesn't single out anyone in anyway. He proves that he can use ordinary people like us to do his good work. I also think that he chose moses because God knew he would be the right person for the job because God knows wat he is doing and wouldn't just pick some bozo with no clue. Lastly i think he chose moses because he knew that moses would do his works and do it right. God is a god of wonders and will work through anyone if you just let him.

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Thursday, October 13, 2005

Were The Plagues Fair? Of Course Not!

Were the plagues fair!? No! What kind of question is that? They were in no way, shape, of form at all fair. Think about it, God created everyone, and God loves everyone, or so he says, yet back in the old testament he was a very VERY vengeful, fierce, and vindictive God, why he would burn down whole civilizations, or flood the world, or smite thousands at the drop of a hat. And has anyone thought of the children? There were innocent women and children all over Egypt! Would God really torture all those poor people just because they made bad religious choices? No, I don't believe he would. If it were up to me, I would have just sent all the plagues directly to the pharaoh's house and then I bet the pharaoh would have let the Hebrews go before the end of the day, I think that Moses just didn't realize that the pharaoh didn't care what happened to his subjects, he only cared about his own well being. God really should have just tortured the pharaoh all day long, of better yet, used a miracle to transport all the Hebrews to Israel, and then they could go about worshiping him instead of wasting all that time wandering in the desert for 40 years. Well, I'm sure God has his reasons, and it's wrong to question his authority, after all, he knows what he's doing even if it makes little or no sense to us.

-Ronny- ^_^

And Then There Was Moses....

Now, why exactly did God choose little old Moses here to free the hebrews? Was it because he was going to be king of Egypt? Or was it beccause he was originally one of the Hebrew slaves? Here's what I think; I think that God picked Moses because he knew he would be a good leader, after all, God does know everyting. Also because he was a Hebrew slave who almost got killed by the Egyptians, had his mom not floated him down the Nile. So he was most likely chosen because he was a Hebrew slave, and he narrowly avoided death.

However, had I been God at the time I would have said to the pharoh;
"HEY! Pharoh! I give you this choice, Let my people go, or I vaporize one fifth of Egypt every day until your precious city is nothing but smoldering ash, but no, really pharoh, take your time in making your decision." So you see, my strategy would be to cut out the middle man, (moses fo course) and just get the job done myself, saving valuable time and stoping the Egyptians from bringing any more pain and suffering to the Hebrew people.

Were the ten plaques fair

The plaques were not fair because the eqyptiens went threw the plaques and could not set them free anyway. The daeth of the first born was not fair either because all the eqyptions animals died so they had no lambs to sacrafice. the pestalince was enfair because if they let the hebrews go they would have no animals for meat. so as you see they were not fair.

Were the Plauges Really Fair????

I don't think that the ten plauges were fair to the Egyptian people seeing as they did not make the Hebrew people their slaves, the Pharoh Ramses did. I think hat after the first couple of "annoying" plauges the majority of the Egyptian people would want the Hebrews out of Egypt. Since it was up to the stubborn Pharoh, the Hebrews were not going to go free. Due to this, Moses brought plauges that really impacted the Egyptians life such as pestilence, boils, and locusts. Then he killed the first born Egyptian children when the tenth plauge, the coming of the Angel of Death, occured and killed many Egyptians. All of this happened to the Egyptian people just because Pharoh did not want the Hebrews to go. So in my opinion, the Egyptians did not have it fair...............

were the plagues fair?

I dont think the plagues were fair. The reason for this is because why if God created man kind and has so much power why did he have to kill so many animals and people in order to free the Hebrew people ? Why coudlnt he just change Pharoahs mind and let him free the Hebrew slaves. Why did he have to make the entire land of Egypt suffer for the mistake of the Pharaoh?

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

what is the bible

The Bible is a book that tells the relationship between God and his people. The Bible is made up of the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old testament is made contains four sections : Pentatech, Historial Books, Writings, and Prophets. The New Testament contains: Gospel accounts, Acts of the Apostles,Letters, and Revelations. The Bible is a record of the ways people in ancient Israel experienced God.

what is the bible

The Bible is a book that tells the relationship between God and his people. The Bible is made up of the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old testament is made contains four sections : Pentatech, Historial Books, Writings, and Prophets. The New Testament contains: Gospel accounts, Acts of the Apostles,Letters, and Revelations. The Bible is a record of the ways people in ancient Israel experienced God.

Fair Plagues

I think the plagues on the Egyptains were fair because they had plenty of chances to let the Hebrews go but they didn't so they suffered the consequences. God started out with plagues that weren't that harmful and each time he came the Pharoah a chance but he refused. If the pharoah had just listened to Moses nothing would have happened to the Egyptians.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

I don't think the plagues were fair to the Egyptians because only pharaoh and his court said that the Hebrews couldn't be freed. So instead of just having a smallish group of people suffer everyone had to suffer. Even those people who didn't really deserve it!

Fair Plagues?

I think the plagues were fair to the Egyptians because the Pharaoh wouldn't believe Moses telling him to let the Israelites go free. At first, Pharaoh did not believe Moses, but by the tenth plague, he did. The first several plagues weren't that bad, mostly annoying, but about halfway through they were destructive. Unfortunately, since the Pharaoh still didn't believe Moses, God had to kill the first-born if they didn't believe in God. If this plague had not of happened, the Pharaoh would have kept the Israelites in Egypt. But since the Pharaoh's son died, he was angry and realized God had the power to kill, thus let them free. I think the plagues shouldn't have happened, because Pharaoh should have let them go free in the first place, but since he didn't, the plagues were needed. The plagues were fair, because they had to teach Pharaoh a valuable lesson- God exists!

Were the Plagues Fair to the Egyptians??

I don't think the plagues were fair to the Egyptians because only pharaoh and his court said that the Hebrews couldn't be freed. So instead of just having a smallish group of people suffer everyone had to suffer. Even those people who didn't really deserve it!

Were the Plagues Fair to the Egyptians??

I really don't think that the plagues were fair to the Egytpians. I mean although the Pharaoh and his court didn't want to let the Hebrews' go, the whole country didn't deserve to have their livestock killed and their children killed. But then again if you just did it for some people, they might not realize who they're dealing with.

Was it Fair?

I think that the plagues were fair to give the Egyptian because they did not cooperate with Gods' will to set the Hebrews free from slavery. God had given pharaoh so many chances, but he was to stubborn to listen. The plagues were the only way in which pharaoh would react to Gods' will. Without the plagues the Hebrews would have suffered longer in slavery.

FaiR GAme...

I think that the plagues were fair to give to the Egyptians because Pharoah wouldn't let the Hebrews go after all the chances God gave him.First, God did plagues that were just warnings and wasn't that bad. But, when pharoah still didn't let the Hebrews go, God had to do something that would not only let the people go but would make pharoah want them to go.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

The Bible.......

The Bible is many stories telling the history of Christianity, put into one book. It is divided into two books, the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old Testament contains the stories of Adam and Eve, Noah, Moses, and Joseph, to name a few. It tells how the Hebrew people started Christianity and how the prophets predicted the coming of Jesus. The New Testament is based around Jesus. It tells how he was born, preached, died, and his ressurection.