Thursday, October 13, 2005

Were the Plauges Really Fair????

I don't think that the ten plauges were fair to the Egyptian people seeing as they did not make the Hebrew people their slaves, the Pharoh Ramses did. I think hat after the first couple of "annoying" plauges the majority of the Egyptian people would want the Hebrews out of Egypt. Since it was up to the stubborn Pharoh, the Hebrews were not going to go free. Due to this, Moses brought plauges that really impacted the Egyptians life such as pestilence, boils, and locusts. Then he killed the first born Egyptian children when the tenth plauge, the coming of the Angel of Death, occured and killed many Egyptians. All of this happened to the Egyptian people just because Pharoh did not want the Hebrews to go. So in my opinion, the Egyptians did not have it fair...............


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