Thursday, October 13, 2005

And Then There Was Moses....

Now, why exactly did God choose little old Moses here to free the hebrews? Was it because he was going to be king of Egypt? Or was it beccause he was originally one of the Hebrew slaves? Here's what I think; I think that God picked Moses because he knew he would be a good leader, after all, God does know everyting. Also because he was a Hebrew slave who almost got killed by the Egyptians, had his mom not floated him down the Nile. So he was most likely chosen because he was a Hebrew slave, and he narrowly avoided death.

However, had I been God at the time I would have said to the pharoh;
"HEY! Pharoh! I give you this choice, Let my people go, or I vaporize one fifth of Egypt every day until your precious city is nothing but smoldering ash, but no, really pharoh, take your time in making your decision." So you see, my strategy would be to cut out the middle man, (moses fo course) and just get the job done myself, saving valuable time and stoping the Egyptians from bringing any more pain and suffering to the Hebrew people.


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