Thursday, October 27, 2005

Created in God's Image

When the Bible says we were created in God's image, that means we all have the characteristics of human spirit and the ability to make moral judgments. God created us through his perceptions of man. He gave us a body, containing a soul and a spirit. God created us the way He wanted us to be on the inside and out. He molded the body shape and form that He thought was right, then put our physical features inside to make us function properly. Lastly, He gave us essential parts that cannon be seen on the inside or out: a soul and a spirit. Even though we are all humans, people with the same body form and functions, all of us are different. God did not created two people the same. We might all be humans, but we are all unique in a different way. God created us just how he wanted us to be and forever will.


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