Thursday, October 13, 2005

Were The Plagues Fair? Of Course Not!

Were the plagues fair!? No! What kind of question is that? They were in no way, shape, of form at all fair. Think about it, God created everyone, and God loves everyone, or so he says, yet back in the old testament he was a very VERY vengeful, fierce, and vindictive God, why he would burn down whole civilizations, or flood the world, or smite thousands at the drop of a hat. And has anyone thought of the children? There were innocent women and children all over Egypt! Would God really torture all those poor people just because they made bad religious choices? No, I don't believe he would. If it were up to me, I would have just sent all the plagues directly to the pharaoh's house and then I bet the pharaoh would have let the Hebrews go before the end of the day, I think that Moses just didn't realize that the pharaoh didn't care what happened to his subjects, he only cared about his own well being. God really should have just tortured the pharaoh all day long, of better yet, used a miracle to transport all the Hebrews to Israel, and then they could go about worshiping him instead of wasting all that time wandering in the desert for 40 years. Well, I'm sure God has his reasons, and it's wrong to question his authority, after all, he knows what he's doing even if it makes little or no sense to us.

-Ronny- ^_^


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