Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Fair Plagues?

I think the plagues were fair to the Egyptians because the Pharaoh wouldn't believe Moses telling him to let the Israelites go free. At first, Pharaoh did not believe Moses, but by the tenth plague, he did. The first several plagues weren't that bad, mostly annoying, but about halfway through they were destructive. Unfortunately, since the Pharaoh still didn't believe Moses, God had to kill the first-born if they didn't believe in God. If this plague had not of happened, the Pharaoh would have kept the Israelites in Egypt. But since the Pharaoh's son died, he was angry and realized God had the power to kill, thus let them free. I think the plagues shouldn't have happened, because Pharaoh should have let them go free in the first place, but since he didn't, the plagues were needed. The plagues were fair, because they had to teach Pharaoh a valuable lesson- God exists!


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