Thursday, May 11, 2006

In Belgium Papal Nuncio supports immigrants occupying churches

It is said that the Pope's representative in Brussels has signaled his support for the Belgian bishops' decision to let illegal immigrants occupy Catholic churches. "The Church has always sided with the weak," Archbishop Karl-Josef Rauber, the apostolic nuncio in Belgium, told De Morgen newspaper. The nuncio went on to say that the problem posed by illegal immigrants-- thousands of them demanding permission to stay permanently in Belgium-- "requires a political solution." He said that he would not become directly involved with a domestic political issue, but "invites the Belgian bishops to deal with the problem themselves." Hundreds of undocumented aliens have established quarters in churches around Belgium. Although many Catholic priests have offered "church asylum" to illegal immigrants for the past several years, the number of people lodged in churches has soared in recent weeks. Conservative leaders in Belgium have objected strongly to the "church asylum" movement, charging that Catholic leaders are aggravating the problems brought on by a massive flow of immigrants, particularly from Islamic countries. Catholics in Belgium have also voiced serious concerns, particularly after hearing that some churches have been transformed to allow Muslim worship services, with altars removed, statues covered, and banners with Islamic slogans hung in the sanctuaries.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Bishop Sean P.O'Malley of boston named new cardinal

Pope Benedict XVI created 15 new cardinals from 11 countries on March 24, praying that the red garments they now wear would inspire them to an even more "passionate love for Christ, for his church and for all humanity." The pope told the new cardinals they would be called upon to work closely with him and this will mean for you a more intense participation in the mystery of the cross as you share in the sufferings of Christ." Cardinal Sean P. O'Malley of Boston was the ninth prelate dressed in a new red cassock to approach and kneel before the popeAs Pope Benedict read the name of each cardinal out loud, pilgrims from that cardinal's country cheered and waved their nation's flag. During the ceremony a special prayer was offered in Chinese "for all those who still suffer because of their Christian faith."

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

spiritual problem with teens

Recent sociological studies are revealing a growing scandal within American Christianity. Many of our churchgoing teens are not Christian or, perhaps, are marginal believers who profess religious ideas that represent an astonishing departure from historic Christianity.In fact, large swaths of our teens hold to views that are decidedly pagan, according to study results from University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill) sociologists Christian Smith and Melinda Lundquist Denton.

Saturday, November 05, 2005


In the bible there is a passage that states " What it means to be created in the image of God is that we have been created to be like God. There is a little bit of Gods personalitly, and characteristics in us. God wants us to follow him. He wants us to good. Just like he did. He us created through his perspective of how he wanted us to become. It is just our choice weather or not we want to make the right choices for ourselves. We are our own person in the image of God.

Auria -

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

God's image? wat does it mean?

Priscilla Grout
Theology 1
Mod 6

I think that to be created in God's image means that God was creating us not to look like him but to have his traits. Everyone is different and created differently but were also the same. The ways that we are the same is God all gave us a free will its just how we choose to use it. He created us to serve him with that free will. Were also different at the same time because God created us with different personalities. So in all what it means to be created in God's image to me is that were all created by God by were all different.

Created in the image of God ;] !

When asked what it means to be created in the image of God, you think of what he looked like, his personality, his flaws and his strengths. But who knows exactly what God looks like? God was a man right? Then how do women look like him?

The answer is not as complex as you might think. We, as Gods people have the superior knowledge that he shared with us. No animal, bird, plant,or bug will ever have the knowledge we have, because we as humans are created in the image of god. Who's to say that bugs weren't created in the image of God? Maybe bugs know more about life on earth as we know, but have no way of communicating it to us. We also have to think about sins. If everyone were created in the image of God, would there be sin? Was God a sinner? No, we aren't exactly like him, but in his image of himself, would we be sinners ; with chances of killing his people and going to hell?
Being created in the image of God is not looking like god, or smelling like him, but understanding him, and having his knowledge and qualities, yet shown differently.

Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground." So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. - (Gen. 1:26-27 NIV)

Made in God's image

Christians believe that people are made in the image of God. A passage in the Genesis says that God created Adam in his likeness. Many people only think that he meant his physical image, but that is not so. The truth is that God has not physical image, but he is the unseen force that created the universe. If God created us in his physical image, we would all be invisible. When the writers of Genesis said we were created in his image, I think they meant he gave us one thing that he didn't give to any other creature on earth - the ability to reason. God gave us reason, and we became the dominant species of the earth. How many other creature could invent and figure out math formulas. He also gave us his emotions, which we use to feel the world on a whole new level.

Made In God's Image???

I think we are made in God's image because we have the power to do whatever we want to. From driving a car to killing people, there is nothing God can do to stop us. There may be laws and God may tell us what would be good to do and not good to do, but he can't control us. We have control over our own actions.

made in gods image

I feel that it being made in God's image means we have a soul just like God's and we have freewill. God is not visible and neither is our soul but they are both there and that would mean they have the same image. Also we have what is called a "rational soul" we can figure things out that require alot of mental capacity. If we did not we couldn't do algebra or geometry God has a rational soul too. God doe what he feels is right and humans do as they please (but we have laws) too. Animals have instincts, humans can use logic to overthrow instincts. I feel these are some things that are made in God's image.

Monday, October 31, 2005

Image of God

God made us as an image of himself because he loves us. He wants us to be unique and have souls. We have a reason to live than animals and plants. We are made in the image of God so we can be a part of God.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Image of God, Yay!

In my opinion, I think that to be created in the image of God means that even though we don't realize it, we are almost godlike in power in abilities. For example, free will. We can make any infinite number of decisions in just one given situation. We possess the power to end life, including our own, but we can also help create it. Like if you plant a tiny seed in the ground and water, and nurture it everyday, it could grow into a magnificent flower or tree. Likewise, if we wish to do so, we can destroy our own creation, for whatever reason we choose. We can build tremendous buildings and monuments so long as we have the will to do so, and we can help or hinder our fellow humans, for example; Mother Teresa aided countless sick and injured in the ghettos of Calcutta expecting nothing in return, yet Adolf Hitler massacred millions of Jews and prisoners of war in the NAZI concentration camps, while stealing gold and riches to build marvelous chateaus high in pristine mountaintops. Both these people, different as they may be, chose to do these things out of their own free will. So I believe that our decision making and free will, which allow us to create or destroy, and aid or impede others, make us in the image of God.